Ghana 2012
GHANA 27 August—14 September, 2012
GHANA 27 August—14 September, 2012
My current predicament consists of the choice between pizza and spaghetti bolognese for dinner. Life is hard.
(Post written on Aug 27, 11000m above the ground; TMI warning for health-related issues.) I have never felt as haggard during a flight as I do just now. The malaria prophylaxis is giving me few side effects, but of those that I do have, the constant nausea is the worst. It’s not the I’m-going-to-throw-up-right-this-very-second kind […]
So, umm. I guess I’m back home? Eleven days ago, I celebrated my birthday in Dar es Salaam. Right between a swimming pool and the Indian Ocean. And then we went to Zanzibar and I got sick and I couldn’t sleep. And six days ago, we left Zanzibar. But because I was feeling so crappy, […]